
3DPrinted Tetris

In November I attended the BitsEvent, mainly known for its retrogames area. I saw an interesting Tetris composition, as decoration for home or maybe to play with. And I thought, yep, I can design and 3dprint one for me!! A 3DPrinted Tetris! So once I finally changed my nozzle for an all-metal, I put hands […]

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The Imitation Game movie

I just watched “The Imitation Game” movie based on Alan Turing‘s life and his involvement with breaking the nazi encryption codes during World War II. The machine used to encrypt messages was known as Enigma. The Enigma machine The movie is based on the book “Alan Turing: The Enigma” by Andrew Hodges. There are of course

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Gamification and stock exchange

A couple of years ago I took a MOOC course about gamification. I was short on time so I just watched the videos and skipped evaluations. I didn’t need any certificate, just desire for knowledge. It’s still available and really recommend it. Very comprehensive and clear examples, also bringing guests to explain specific topics. Link

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Bitsevent 2014

I went yesterday to bitsevent. The main theme was retrogames but there was also a space for tech. I met there Roman Nuez with his Funlab project, Jordi Martín with his makers&bits and Oriol from Stalactite3d. That was just for chatting and getting up to date on their projects. I enjoyed the retro area. Meeting

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Python y drones

Sigo con Python. Esta vez un tema muy interesante vinculando Python y drones. Un curso de Edx.org titulado “Autonomous Navigation for Flying Robots” basado en Python. Se trata de crear código para que los drones hagan vuelos autónomos. Y lo estoy complementando con el curso en Coursera.org “An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python” que

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Empezando con Python

Tras unas semanas de un poco más de calma no he podido evitar meterme en algún MOOC (los MOOC son cursos gratuitos online en universidades de prestigio. Hay todo tipo de temarios). Y habiendo tocado Ruby on Rails el año anterior y viendo que Python es omnipresente, especialmente en el entorno Maker, pues a por

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